Baked Chips vs Regular Chips: Which is better?

All of us are always on the go to discover new healthy munching snacks to beat sudden hunger pangs. Whereas for some it all starts with finding healthy snacks for weight loss, for some the need is to keep looking for more options for snacks ideas for kids to make the plate as junk-free as possible. Try a baked veggie chips recipe at home today.

Baked Chips vs Regular Chips: Nutrition Table

First let us clear the air around the baked chips vs regular debate. Here’s a comparison of 1 ounce of baked vs fried potato chips:

Baked Potato ChipsFried Potato Chips
Calories 131 kcal       WINS153 kcal
Fat 5 gm            WINS10 gm
Saturated Fat 1 gm             WINS3 gm
Vitamin C3.2 mg          LOSES8 mg
Sodium 257 mg         LOSES147 mg

With more ‘Wins’ than ‘Losses’ here, are baked chips healthy, really? Are Baked chips better for you enough to spend those extra bucks? The answer is when it comes to market-bought packets of baked vs fried potato chips, we have an expert aka insider to answer this: one of the world’s largest potato chips line giant that tells us what more secret ingredients go into the baked chips to make them tastier (and still harmful). Read here!

So, what is the healthy solution to offer to all our munching selves or kids at home? It’s Homemade Baked Veggie Chips

Here’s a quick comparison table of 3 ounce baked vs normal chips:

Baked Veggie ChipsFried Potato Chips
Calories161 kcal      WINS213 kcal
Carbohydrates 16 gm         WINS19.2 gm
Fat11 gm         WINS15.1 gm
Protein 2.5 gm        WINS1.8 gm
Sodium 151 mg       WINS210 mg
Cholesterol0 mg           TIE0 mg

Read on to get the best baked chips recipe made from all the hated veggies of your kitchen (waiting to get a tasty makeover from you)! 

Oven Baked Veggie Chips

Healthy Veggie Chips Recipe

Prep Time: 10 mins

Cooking Time: 50 mins

Total Time: 1 hour

Ingredients for Crispy Baked Vegetable Chips
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 red beet
  • 1 yellow beet
  • 1 small summer squash
  • ½ tsp avocado oil
  • sea salt
  • pepper
  • garlic powder (optional)
  • onion powders (optional)
  • chipotle powder (optional)
  • smoked paprika (optional)
Recipe Steps for Crispy Baked Vegetable Chips
  1. Preheat your oven to FAN 248F (120C).
  2. Wash the vegetables well and peel them if they are not organic.
  3. Slice all the vegetables thinly with a mandoline. If you slice them thick, they may not get crispy like the chips.
  4. Drizzle a little oil and mix to coat a little. Avoid adding much oil, as unlike potatoes, the veggies get less crispy with more oil.
  5. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and spread your slices onto it. Do not overlap them.
  6. Sprinkle a dash of sea salt and pepper on all of them. Flip and repeat to achieve perfect balance of spices on every side. Also, you may add other spices like garlic powder or paprika if you like the punch.
  7. Bake for 45-55 minutes while flipping them every 15 minutes. 
  8. You can lower the heat to 100C if the beets (or any other chosen veggie) start turning too black quickly. 
  9. They will be ready when they are crunchy. To be sure of it, look for their slightly scrunched up corners as they cool down.
  10. They can be stored at room temperature in an airtight container for a few days, just like regular chips.
Pro tips to make perfect crispy chips
  • If you are using vegetables of varying moisture levels, bake them in separate batches as some may take longer to bake, thereby burning the easy-to-bake ones in the same batch. Use your inherent cooking skills here to segregate.
  • For crispier veggie chips, add oil to the sliced veggies first in a bowl and let their moisture sweat out for 15 minutes. Dab them with a cloth towel and then add oil and line them onto the baking tray to add salt and spices.
Nutritional Facts (Baked Veggie Chips)
  • Calories: 79 kcal (per serve out of 4)
  • Carbohydrates: 16.6 gm
  • Protein: 2.7 gm
  • Sugar: 6 gm
  • Fiber: 3.5 gm
  • Fat: 0.9 gm
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 121 mg
Homemade Baked Chips Recipe