Chili Chocolate Cranberry Cups

Chili Chocolate Cranberry Cups

Prep Time: 20 mins

Cooking Time: 10 mins

Total Time: 30 mins

  • 200 g dark (70%) chocolate, divided in half
  • good quality cranberry jam (quantity per your sweet tooth liking)
  • 40 ml full fat milk (use coconut milk if you are allergic to dairy milk, I have tried the recipe with both and they are equally yummy)
  • 4 tsp maple syrup
  • ground hot chili (½ tsp or to taste per your liking for the spice punch; also if you are making ot for kids, use little rock salt instead to swap salty punch for that spice)
  • 40 ml water
Cranberry Chocolate Cups
Cooking Instructions
How to make chocolate cups at home:
  1. Melt 100 g of chocolate very slowly over a bain marie (double boiler method) and then spoon about a teaspoon of melted chocolate into each paper cup and spread it by tilting the cup to all the sides.
  2. Once the cups are coated well on the insides, put them into the freezer for around 15 minutes (until the chocolate hardens).
How to make Chocolate Chili Ganache:
  1. Melt the remaining 100 g of chocolate over a water bath (on lowest heat setting). Once melted, remove from heat, but keep the bowl with chocolate over the hot water. Start adding milk (dairy or coconut, per your preference), whisking gently the whole time. Once you have added all coconut milk, add 40 ml water gradually stirring the whole time.
  2. Once you have a smooth ganache, add maple syrup (only if you do not like your chocolate bitter; however a bitter chocolate would give a nice contrast against sweet raspberry jam, but that’s up to you).
  3. Stir the chili in. (about ½ leveled tsp is used here in the recipe but it all depends on how much heat you like and how hot your chili is. The best tip is to add it in a pinch-like amount, then keep tasting it to fine tune the amount to your liking).
  4. Let the ganache cool off completely before pouring it into the cups.
    How to assemble chili chocolate cranberry cup step-by-step:
    1. Remove your chocolate cups from the freezer and put about a leveled teaspoon of jam at the bottom of each cup.
    2. Top the jam up with cool chili ganache.
    3. Place assembled cups in the fridge for a few hours until the ganache has had a chance to set completely. Gently peel the paper cups off before serving/eating.
    Nutrition Facts
    • Calories: 59 kcal
    • Carbohydrates: 6 g
    • Sugars: 4 g
    • Fats: 4 g
    • Proteins: 1 g
    Chili Chocolate Cups